I’ve been writing Go professionally for five years now, and the feature I’ve wanted the most – more than generics, even – is a sum type.

Specifically, I want to define a type comprising several distinct values, and to write code that handles all possible values of that type which is checked by the compiler.

Such a type is key in large projects where the compiler should help you find modules that need updating when you extend the base sum type. With generics in go 1.18, it’s possible to write an ergonomic switch statement that can help polyfill for sum types, until they are supported properly.

I walk through how to build this below, but here’s a preview of the end result:

// Handle all possible field types:
block, err := CustomFieldTypeSwitch(fieldType,
  func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchOption) (*slack.InputBlock, error) {
    // option fields
  func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchText) (*slack.InputBlock, error) {
    // text fields
  func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchLink) (*slack.InputBlock, error) {
    // link fields
  func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchNumeric) (*slack.InputBlock, error) {
    // numeric fields

Real example

incident.io provides a custom fields feature, where customers configure a number of fields that can be set as metadata against each of their incidents.

Until recently you could only create ‘option’ custom fields, where the field can be set to one or more of some user provided options. Imagine you wanted to track which teams were involved in responding to an incident: that’s perfect for an option type, as you can prefill the teams in advance.

Screenshot of the incident.io settings where you can create custom fields

Last week we released support for several new custom field types: freeform text, URL links, and numbers. In an ideal world, we’d extend the sum type that defines a custom field type, then have the compiler tell us which parts of the code (Slack app? frontend forms? API?) needed updating to support the new types.

We tend to model string enums as a custom string type, and enumerate their options as constants. Adding text, link and numeric types looked like this:

package domain

type CustomFieldType string

const (
  CustomFieldTypeOption    CustomFieldType = "option"
  CustomFieldTypeText      CustomFieldType = "text"
  CustomFieldTypeLink      CustomFieldType = "link"
  CustomFieldTypeNumeric   CustomFieldType = "numeric"

Then our code would implement support for each type, using a switch statement:

// parseValue parses a string value into Value, as per the custom
// field type.
func parseValue(fieldType CustomFieldType, data string) (*Value, error) {
  switch fieldType {
  case CustomFieldTypeOption:
    return &Value{OptionID: data}, nil

  case CustomFieldTypeText:
    return &Value{Text: data}, nil

  case CustomFieldTypeNumeric:
    value, err := strconv.ParseFloat(data, 64)
    if err != nil {
      return nil, errors.New("invalid value, must be a number")

    return &Value{Numeric: value}, nil

  case CustomFieldTypeLink:
    res, err := url.Parse(data)
    if err != nil {
      return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to parse URL")
    switch res.Scheme {
    case "http", "https":
      // valid
      return nil, errors.New(
        "invalid link format, must be http or https")

    return &Value{Link: data}, nil

    return nil, errors.New("unhandled field type: %s", fieldType)

This… kinda worked. As a general rule of thumb, you’d write the switch statement and handle an unrecognised/unsupported type in the default branch, usually returning an error complaining about the bad value.

Writing this sucked, though. As I implemented each new type, I’d only discover parts of the code I had missed by manually testing all key custom field flows, of which there are about ten. And things like our async Slack notifications would error in local development, but were easy to miss if you weren’t looking at the logs.

Hacking the (type) system

It’s both error prone and a waste of developer time to manually check the codebase for each fieldType switch. Much better to elevate an unhandled case to the type system, so the compiler can check this for us.

We can do that by writing our own switch helper:

// These types are used solely to help readability of the
// CustomFieldTypeSwitch helper.
type (
  CustomFieldTypeSwitchOption  CustomFieldType
  CustomFieldTypeSwitchText    CustomFieldType
  CustomFieldTypeSwitchLink    CustomFieldType
  CustomFieldTypeSwitchNumeric CustomFieldType

// CustomFieldTypeSwitch is a mechanism to switch over all possible
// values of a CustomFieldType, allowing the compiler to check all
// routes have been handled.
func CustomFieldTypeSwitch[R any](fieldType CustomFieldType,
  option func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchOption) (R, error),
  text func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchText) (R, error),
  link func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchLink) (R, error),
  numeric func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchNumeric) (R, error),
) (res R, err error) {
  switch fieldType {
  case CustomFieldTypeOption:
    if option != nil {
      return option("")
  case CustomFieldTypeText:
    if text != nil {
      return text("")
  case CustomFieldTypeLink:
    if link != nil {
      return link("")
  case CustomFieldTypeNumeric:
    if numeric != nil {
      return numeric("")
    return res, errors.New(
      "unsupported custom field type: '%s'", fieldType)

  // If we get here, it's because we provided a nil function for a
  // type of custom field, implying we don't want to handle it.
  return res, nil

This small piece of code:

  1. Implements a new type for each of the possible values of CustomFieldType
  2. Provides CustomFieldTypeSwitch that receives a field type, and handlers for each possible value

You’d call it like so:

// customFieldToBlock renders a Slack input block for each type of custom field.
func customFieldToBlock(ctx context.Context, entry *CustomFieldEntry) *slack.InputBlock {
  block, err := CustomFieldTypeSwitch(entry.CustomField.FieldType,
    func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchOption) (*slack.InputBlock, error) {
      if entry.CustomField.FieldMulti {
        return multiSelectCustomFieldToBlock(entry), nil
      } else {
        return selectCustomFieldToBlock(entry), nil
    func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchText) (*slack.InputBlock, error) {
      return textCustomFieldToBlock(entry), nil
    func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchLink) (*slack.InputBlock, error) {
      return linkCustomFieldToBlock(entry), nil
    func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchNumeric) (*slack.InputBlock, error) {
      return numericCustomFieldToBlock(entry), nil

  if err != nil {
    log.Warn(ctx, errors.WithMetadata(err, errors.KV{
      "custom_field": entry.CustomField.ID,

  return block

With this construct, adding a new type will cause a compiler error at every callsite, as we’ll lack support for that new type’s handler.

As an example, removing the numeric case causes this error:

# github.com/incident-io/core/server/pkg/slack/modal
  not enough arguments in call to CustomFieldTypeSwitch
  have (CustomFieldType,
    func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchOption) (*slack.InputBlock, error),
    func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchText) (*slack.InputBlock, error),
    func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchLink) (*slack.InputBlock, error)
  want (CustomFieldType,
    func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchOption) (R, error),
    func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchText) (R, error),
    func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchLink) (R, error),
    func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchNumeric) (R, error)

Where we have support for option, text, and link, but want a numeric handler too.

Taking a closer look

I think there are a few details that make this construct work.

The first is creating new type for each enum value. We don’t have to do this for type-safety: the switch function could take a handler per enum value, and the compiler would shout if we provided too few handlers.

In my opinion, that would make it much easier to mix up your handlers, especially as Go doesn’t support function keyword arguments. Equally, you can no longer see which handler is for what type without checking the function definition, which is a poor experience when reading the code.

Here’s the two options side-by-side:

// Without named types (which handler is for which type?):
block, err := CustomFieldTypeSwitch(fieldEntry.CustomField.FieldType,
  func() (*slack.InputBlock, error) {
  func() (*slack.InputBlock, error) {
  func() (*slack.InputBlock, error) {
  func() (*slack.InputBlock, error) {

// With named types (it's clear which handler is for which type):
block, err := CustomFieldTypeSwitch(fieldEntry.CustomField.FieldType,
  func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchOption) (*slack.InputBlock, error) {
  func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchText) (*slack.InputBlock, error) {
  func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchLink) (*slack.InputBlock, error) {
  func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchNumeric) (*slack.InputBlock, error) {

Equally, if you reorder the handlers in your editor, the compiler will shout unless the function signature matches.

The other detail that adds usability is generic return types. Before generics, we’d be unable to return values from each case handler without losing type-safety by passing interface{}, or having the handler set a closured variable.

// Type-casting, losing type-safety:
res, err := CustomFieldTypeSwitch(entry.CustomField.FieldType,
  func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchOption, *slack.InputBlock) error {
    block = new(slack.InputBlock)
  // ...
block := res.(*slack.InputBlock) // unsafe

// Setting variable from closure:
var block *slack.InputBlock
err := CustomFieldTypeSwitch(entry.CustomField.FieldType,
  func(CustomFieldTypeSwitchOption) error {
    block = new(slack.InputBlock)
  // ...

Having considered both of these options before, I’d concluded neither was a worthwhile trade-off to justify introducing this pattern. Generics help us avoid these downsides by preserving type-safety for whatever each handler might return, while maintaining a simple control-flow.


The app these code examples reference has a Go backend and a TypeScript frontend, where the frontend uses a type-safe client to speak to the backend API.

It has felt very silly that adding an enum value to the Go definition will codegen a TypeScript enum type, which activates the compiler for non-exhaustive matches in the frontend, while the backend had no such facility.

I’m hopeful this type of pattern will increase our confidence when working with the backend, helping us ship faster and feel happier while doing it.

If you liked this post and want to see more, follow me at @lawrjones.